Algebra of signatures. Articles
Fully geometrized physics from the standpoint of the Algebra of signatures (Alsigna)
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Longitudinal and transverse quantization of the "vacuum". Fundamentals of the Algebra of Signatures
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Extensions of the Einstein field equations and their solutions
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Derivation of the Schrödinger Equations
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Excited States of Spherical Vacuum Formation Cores (Basics of quantum geometrophysics)
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The overall dynamics of vacuum layers and «vacuum electrostatics»
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«Ålectron» motion. «Vacuum electrodynamics»
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Metric-dynamic models of different varieties of «neutrinos» in the framework of the axiomatics of the Algebra of signatures
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Vacuum electrostatics in the framework of the Algebra of signatures. Interaction of stationary «particles» and «antiparticles»
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Gravity in the framework of the axiomatics of the Algebra of signatures. Interaction of uncharged «particles»
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Volumetric Diagrams of Scattering of Microparticles on Statistically Uneven Surfaces
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Quantized States of The Nucleus of a Biological Cell
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The Geometrized Vacuum Physics Based On the Algebra of Signature
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Stochastic Approach to Determining the Mass Standard Based on the Fixed Values of Fundamental Physical Constants
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The Diffraction of Microparticles on Single-layer and Multi-layer Statistically Uneven Surfaces
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Multilayer and Multilevel Cosmological Models Based on Solutions of the Extended Einstein Field Equations
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Stochastic Model of Microparticle Scattering On a Crystal
Geometrized Vacuum Physics. Part I. Algebra of Stignatures
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